
檔案大小:14.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ACN PCN(圖1)-速報App

This application allows you to calculate ACN number for your aircraft. Application also includes PCN references. /

You can easily check ACN PCN compatibility before each flight by using this application!

Application includes all aircraft types in use with following information:

ACN PCN(圖2)-速報App

All-up Mass (Maximum Apron Mass) (lbs)

Operating Mass Empty (lbs)

All-up Mass (Maximum Apron Mass) (kg)

ACN PCN(圖3)-速報App

Operating Mass Empty (kg)

Load on one main gear leg (%)

Standard Aircraft Tire Pressure

ACN PCN(圖4)-速報App

Rigid Pavement Subgrades

A-High K = 150 MN/m3

B-Medium K = 80 MN/m3

ACN PCN(圖5)-速報App

C-Low K = 40 MN/m3

D-Ultralow K = 20 MN/m3

Flexible Pavement Subgrades

ACN PCN(圖6)-速報App

A-High CBR = 15%

B-Medium CBR = 10%

C-Low CBR = 6%

ACN PCN(圖7)-速報App

D-Very low CBR = 3%
